Professional Summary
My Name is Michael Meyers, and I have been working in the Film, and Television Industries, since 1996, as an
Artist, Supervisor, and Designer. I have worked on more than 50 films ( IMDB ), as well as a variety of television
projects, games and even forensic reconstruction. The first half of my career focused on VFX work, everything
from Previsualization to Final Post. As a 3D Generalist, much of what I did was sorting out, or “making things
work”, by improving or redesigning concepts, so they would function properly on the Animation side. This
eventually led to my being recruited into Production working in the “Art Department” as a member of IATSE,
Local 800, the Art Directors Guild, where I hold Set Designer, Illustrator, and Art Director cards, and have been working since 2007.
As an artist ...
I tap into decades of experience, both professional and personal, to create imaginative, yet practical,
useful, and functional designs. Maintaining "Form follows function" as a personal mantra, my designs focus on
functionality, and solving for existing limitations, whether they be budgetary or practical. I create useful elements,
both for Practical as well as Visual Effects purposes.
As a Supervisor/Art Director...
I demonstrate critical thinking, highly evolved problem solving and organizational abilities, to lead and manage projects, meeting deadlines, within budget, delivering work of the highest quality possible, by identifying, motivating, and capitalizing on the strengths of the team.
I am very collaborative in Nature. I enjoy the "Group Dynamic". I am easy going, loyal, and hard working. I will also fight for what is right for, most beneficial, and practical on every project.